
Food research – showcasing a dozen European Research projects

maandag 18 december 2006

Food research – showcasing a dozen European Research projects

At a conference in Brussels today, results are being presented from a number of projects looking at food quality and safety. All are funded through the EU's Sixth Research Framework programme (FP6, 2002-2006).
BIOCOP - A five–year Integrated Project detecting multiple chemical contaminants in foods.
CASCADE - A five-year Network of Excellence for research, risk assessment and education on chemicals as contaminants in the food chain.
CLEANFRUIT – A three-year EU specific targeted research project enabling cleaner fruit production in the Mediterranean using sterile insect technique (SIT).
EADGENE - A Network of Excellence for integration of genomics research tools and common research objectives for animal health.
Grain Legumes - An integrated Project to develop new strategies to improve grain legumes for food and feed.
HEATOX - A 40-month Specific Targeted Research Project to learn more about the formation and risk of acrylamide in food.
Med-Vet-Net - A five-year Network of Excellence for the prevention and control of zoonoses.
REPLACE - A specific Targeted Research Project, which uses results of the screening of 500 plant samples to suggest alternatives to antimicrobial growth promoters.
SAFE FOODS – A four-year Integrated Project aimed at improving risk analysis of food
SEAFOODplus - A five-year Integrated research project to improve safety, health and quality of seafood for the European consumer.
QUALITY LOW INPUT FOOD - An integrated Project to improve organic and "low input" cereal production systems; the importance of developing a whole systems approach.
Welfare Quality - A five-year Integrated Project to integrate animal welfare in the food quality chain.

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