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Index page for: International Handbook of Foodborne Pathogens

Table of Contents Characterization of the organisms involved in foodborne illness: foodborne viruses, caliciviruses, David H. Kingsley and Gary P. Richards, hepatitis, Barry D. Schoub, foodborne bacteria - established bacterial pathogens, bacillus spp., K.T. Rajkowski and R.W. Bennett, staphylococcus aureus, Reginald W. Bennett and Steven R. Monday, clostridium botulinum, Giovanna Franciosa, Robert Schechter, and Paolo Aureli, clostridium perfringens, Bruce A. McClane, listeria monocytogenes, Atin R. Datta, escherichia coli, Carlos Eslava, Jorge Villaseca, Ulises Hernandez, and Alejandro Cravioto, nontyphoid salmonella, Darcy Hanes, typhoid salmonella, Lan Hu and Dennis J. Kopecko, shigella spp. Keith A. Lampel and Anthony T. Maurelli, campylobacter spp., helicobacter pylori, Audun E. Berstad and Per Brandtzaeg, vibrio cholerae, G.H. Rabbani and M. R. Choudhury, vibrio parahaemolyticus, Mitsuaki Nishibuchi, vibrio vulnificus, Gaskov Clerge, Broderick E. Eribo, and Ben D. Tall, other vibrio spp., Mahendra H. Kothary, Yersinia Roy M. Robins-Browne and Elizabeth L. Hartland, aeromonas spp., Karel Krovacek and Ahmed Faris, plesiomonas shigelloides, Karel Krovacek, streptococcus spp., Barry M. Gray and Sylvie Rodriguez Arnavielhe, foodborne bacteria - emerging bacterial Pathogens, enterobacter sakazaki, M. Nazarowec-White, J.M. Farber, M.W. Reij, J.-L. Cordier, and M. van Schothorst, mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis, Michael T. Collins, foodborne toxins, major fungal toxins of regulatory concern, Garnett E. Wood, Mary W. Trucksess. and Sara H. Henry, marine biotoxins, Mark A. Poli, foodborne protista, entamoeba histolytica, Terry F.G. Jackson and Selvan G. Reddy, giardia lamblia, Rodney D. Adam, cryptosporidium parvum, Saul Tzipori, cyclospora cayetanensis, toxoplasma gondii. Foodborne helminths: taenia solium, Oscar H. Del Brutto and Julio Sotelo, fasciola hepatica, Ana M. Espina and Bianaca E. Dumenigo' fasciolopsis buski, Bishnupada Roy and Veena Tandon, echinostoma spp., L.K. Eveland and M.A. Haseeb, clonorchis sinensis, Sung-Tae Hong, opisthorchis viverrini, Yupaporn Wattanagoon and Swangjai Pungpak, Paragonomus spp., Wanchai Maleewong, anisakis simplex and pseudoterranova decepiens, M.T. Audicana, M.D. del Pozo, R. Iglesias, and F.M. Ubeira, trichinella spiralis, Wanda Kociecka, Krystyna Boczon, Edoardo Pozio, and Franz Von Knappen, transmissible spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE), Andrea S. Vicari, William D. Hueston, and Dominic A. Travis. (Part contents).