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Index page for: Bread Making: Improving Quality

Table of Contents INTRODUCTIONBREAD MAKING: AN OVERVIEW, S. CauvainIntroductionBread dough developmentBread making processesWhat determines bread quality?Dough mixing and processingCell creation during mixingDough processingGas bubble control during dough processingProving and bakingFuture trendsSources of further information and adviceReferencesWheat and flour qualityTHE CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY OF WHEAT, H. CornellIntroduction: the structure of the wheat kernelWheat carbohydratesWheat proteinsWheat lipidsWheat enzymesPigmentsFuture trends in wheat utilisationSources of further information and adviceReferencesASSESSING GRAIN QUALITY, C. Wrigley and I. BateyIntroduction: the interaction of genotype with the environmentThe importance of varietyEnvironmental factors affecting grain qualityStorage and transportCritical quality attributes and their analysisGrain quality bargainingFuture trendsSources of further information and adviceReferencesTECHNIQUES FOR ANALYSING WHEAT PROTEINS, A. GilIntroductionSeparation methodsAnalysing molecular propertiesRheological measurementInfrared spectroscopyNMR spectroscopyElectro-spin-resonance spectroscopyFuture trendsReferencesWHEAT PROTEINS AND BREAD QUALITY, E. Mills, N. Wellner, L. Salt, J. Robertson and J. JenkinsIntroduction: cereal protein classificationCereal proteins and bread making qualityProlamin structure and bread qualitySoluble proteins, xylanase inhibitors and bread qualityDetergent-solubilised proteins and bread qualityGenomics and the what grain proteomeConclusion and future trendsAcknowledgementsReferencesSTARCH STRUCTURE AND BREAD QUALITY, A-C. EliassonIntroduction: the importance of starch structure to bread qualityStarch properties and baking performanceStarch structureStarch structure and bread qualityFuture trendsSources of further information and adviceReferencesIMPROVING WHEAT QUALITY: THE ROLE OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, P. ShewryIntroductionWheat gluten proteinsHMW subunits and bread qualityThe genetic transformation of wheatManipulating HMW subunit composition and dough propertiesFuture trends: improving bread qualitySources of further information and adviceAcknowledgementsReferencesANALYSING WHEAT AND FLOUR, M. Hajselova and A. AlldrickIntroductionSample collection and preparationGrain quality parametersFlour quality: protein Flour quality: starch and other attributesConclusionSources of further information and adviceReferencesMILLING AND FLOUR QUALITY, C. Webb and G. OwensIntroductionKey stages in flour millingRecent developments in millingFlour milling and flour qualityImproving flour qualityFuture trendsReferencesMODIFYING FLOUR TO IMPROVE FUNCTIONALITY, C. Howitt, L. Tamas, R. Solomon, P. Gras, M. Morell, F. Bekes and R. Appels IntroductionFlour components and dough formationProtein modification and bread-making qualityGenetic modification of flour propertiesReferencesTHE NUTRITIONAL ENHANCEMENT OF WHEAT FLOUR, C. RosellIntroductionThe nutritional value of wheatIncreasing the nutritional value of wheat flourImproving the nutritional value of whole-wheat floursFuture trends: protein supplementation and fibre enhancementSources of further information and adviceReferencesDough and bread qualityTHE MOLECULAR BASIS OF DOUGH RHEOLOGY, P. BeltonIntroductionFactors affecting dough rheologyPolymer networks in doughThe molecular mechanism of energy storage in doughHow much dough rheology can we explain?Future trendsSources of further information and adviceAcknowledgementReferencesMOLECULAR MOBILITY IN DOUGH AND BREAD QUALITY, Y. RoosIntroductionMolecular mobility in doughDough properties in bakingControlling molecular mobility to improve bread qualityFuture trendsSources of further information and adviceReferencesTHE ROLE OF WATER IN DOUGH FORMATION AND BREAD QUALITY, A. Schiraldi and D. FessasIntroductionDough as a disperse systemWater displacements in doughDough proofing and bakingDough freezingFuture trendsSources of further information and adviceReferencesFOAM FORMATION IN DOUGH AND BREAD QUALITY, P. WildeIntroductionFoam formationFoam stabilitySurface active dough componentsThe aqueous phase of dough and foam formationDough composition and foam stabilityProcessing stages and foam stabilityAnalytical techniquesFuture trendsSources of further information and adviceReferencesBREAD AERATION, G. CampbellIntroductionThe development of bread aeration studiesAeration during bread making: mixingAeration during provingAeration during bakingFuture trendsConclusionsAcknowledgementsReferences and further readingMEASURING THE RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF DOUGH, B. DobraszczykIntroduction: dough rheology and bread qualityThe role of rheology in quality controlRheological testsDescriptive rheological measurementsFundamental rheological testsBaking quality and rheologyFuture trendsReferencesCONTROLLING DOUGH DEVELOPMENT, S. MillarIntroductionDough rheology during mixingDough developmentThe effects of mixer typeControlling dough developmentEmerging methods for controlling dough developmentFuture trendsSources of further information and adviceTHE USE OF REDOX AGENTS, H. WieserIntroductionThe redox state in flourRedox reactions during processingRedox agents: oxidants and reductantsFuture trendsSources of further information and adviceReferencesWATER CONTROL IN BAKING, S. Cauvain and L. YoungIntroduction: water composition and propertiesHygrometry and water hardnessThe water absorption capacity of flourDough formationProving and bakingWater activity and the shelf-life of breadFuture trendsSources of further information and adviceReferencesIMPROVING THE TASTE OF BREAD, R. WirtzIntroductionElements of bread flavorIngredients and flavor: flour and waterIngredients and flavor: yeast and lactic acid fermentation Processing and flavor: mixing, fermentation and bakingInnovations in bread flavourReferencesHIGH FIBRE BAKING, K. KatinaIntroductionSources of fibre in bakingProblems in high fibre bakingImproving the quality of high fibre breadFuture trendsReferencesMOULD PREVENTION IN BREAD, N. Magan, M. Arroyo and D. AldredIntroduction: the problem of mould in breadCurrent techniques for mould control and their limitationsDeveloping new methods for mould controlFuture trendsSources of further information and adviceReferencesDETECTING MYCOTOXIN CONTAMINATION OF CEREALS, C. WaalwijkIntroduction: the problem of mycotoxin contaminationMycotoxins in the food chainDetecting mycotoxinsThe regulatory contextFuture trendsReferencesIMPROVING WHEAT QUALITY, O Chung, S-H. Park, M. Tilley and G. LookhartIntroductionUS wheat classification and gradingBreeding and wheat qualityQuality indices and testsPredicting the bread-making quality of wheatFuture trendsReferencesUNDERSTANDING AND PREVENTING BREAD STALING, P. ChinachotiIntroductionThe process of bread stalingThe role of starch and gluten in stalingThe role of water Starch and gluten molecular rigidityPreventing bread stalingReferencesSources of further information and adviceReferences