Index page for: Safety and Quality Issues in Fish Processing
Table of Contents IntroductionPART 1 ENSURING SAFE PRODUCTSHACCP IN THE FISHERIES INDUSTRYD. R. Ward, North Carolina State UniversityIntroductionHACCP PrinciplesHazardsDeveloping and Implementing HACCP PlansSanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs)The New MillenniumConclusionReferencesHACCP IN PRACTICE: THE THAI FISHERIES INDUSTRYS. Suwanrangsi, Thai Department of Fisheries, BangkokIntroductionThe Thai Fisheries IndustryThe Development of HACCP Systems in ThailandSetting Up a HACCP SystemThe Role of the Department of FisheriesCommon Problems in HACCP ImplementationFuture TrendsReferences and Further ReadingHACCP IN THE FISH CANNING INDUSTRYL. Ababouch, FAO, RomeIntroductionThe Canning Process, Safety and SpoilageThe Regulatory ContextHazards in Fish CanningSpoilage of Canned FishThe Application of GMP in the Fish Canning IndustryThe Application of HACCP in the Fish Canning IndustryFuture TrendsSources of Further Information and AdviceReferencesIMPROVING THE CONTROL OF PATHOGENS IN FISH PRODUCTSL. Nilsson and L. Gram, Danish Institute for Fisheries ResearchIntroductionMicrobial Health Hazards in Fish ProductsTraditional Preservation StrategiesNew Preservation StrategiesBiological PreservationUse of Lactic Acid Bacteria for Food FermentationNon-Thermal Food Processing TechniquesConclusion and Future TrendsReferencesIDENTIFYING ALLERGENS IN FISHS. Yamada and E. Zychlinsky, Hitachi Chemical Diagnostics Inc., and H. Nolte, University of CopenhagenIntroduction: The Pattern of Fish AllergyMaterials and Methodology for Identifying Allergens: The Case of TunaAnalysing ResultsFuture TrendsSources of Further Information and AdviceReferencesIDENTIFYING HEAVY METALS IN FISHJ. Oehlenschleager, Institute for Fishery Techniques and Quality, HamburgIntroductionMercuryLeadCadmiumCopperZincTinAluminiumFuture TrendsSources of Further Information and AdviceReferencesFISHBORNE ZOONOTIC PARASITES: EPIDEMIOLOGY, DETECTION AND ELIMINATIONK. D. Murrell, Danish Centre for Experimental ParasitologyIntroductionParasites of Marine FishParasites of Freshwater Fish: NematodesParasites of Freshwater Fish: CestodesParasites of Freshwater Fish: TrematodesPrevention and Decontamination: Marine FishPrevention and Decontamination: Freshwater FishFuture TrendsReferencesRAPID DETECTION OF SEAFOOD TOXINSG. Palleschi, D. Moscone, L. Micheli and D. Botta, University of RomeIntroductionImmunosensorsDomoic Acid DetectionOkadaic Acid DetectionSaxitoxin DetectionPrototype EvaluationConclusion and Future TrendsReferencesAcknowledgementPART 2 ANALYSING QUALITYUnderstanding the Concepts of Quality and Freshness in FishH. Allan Bremner, Allan Bremner and AssociatesIntroductionQuality and Freshness as ConceptsOther Approaches to Concepts of QualityQuality as a Driving ForceFreshnessSafetyFuture TrendsReferencesTHE MEANING OF SHELF-LIFEA. Barbosa, Universidade do Porto, Allan Bremner, Allan Bremner and Associates, and P. Vaz-Pires, Universidade do PortoIntroduction: The Concept of Shelf-LifeThe Beginning of Shelf-LifeThe End of Shelf-LifeAre There Several Shelf-Lives?Do We Need the Expression Shelf-Life?Future TrendsSources of Further Information and AdviceReferencesMODELLING AND PREDICTING THE SHELF-LIFE OF SEAFOODP. Dalgaard, Danish Institute for Fisheries ResearchIntroductionEmpirical ModelsThe Effect of Temperature on Spoilage Rates Indices of Quality and SpoilageModelling Microbial KineticsPrimary Growth ModelsModels of Microbial Activity and InteractionsSecondary ModelsValidation of Shelf-Life ModelsApplication SoftwareFuture TrendsReferencesTHE ROLE OF ENZYMES IN DETERMINING SEAFOOD COLOUR, FLAVOUR AND TEXTUREN. Haard, University of California, DavisIntroduction: The Importance of Enzymes in Postmortem FishEnzymes in Fish MycosystemsPostmortem PhysiologyBiochemical Changes in Post-Rigor MuscleEnzymes and Seafood Colour and AppearanceEnzymes and Seafood FlavourEnzymes and Seafood TextureThe Use of Enzymes in Seafood Processing and Quality ControlEnzymes as Seafood Processing AidsReferencesPART 3 - IMPROVING QUALITY WITHIN THE SUPPLY CHAINQUALITY CHAIN MANAGEMENT IN FISH PROCESSINGM. Frederiksen, Danish Institute of Fisheries ResearchIntroduction: The Fish Supply ChainDefinitionsOrganising Quality ChainsAn Open Price Settling SystemQuality Assurance SystemsMaintaining the Cold ChainProduct TraceabilityInspectionOrganising a Chain Management SystemA Common Chain Management PhilosophyCommunication and Co-operationDeveloping Quality ChainsFuture TrendsReferencesNEW NON-THERMAL TECHNIQUES FOR PROCESSING SEAFOODM. Gudmundsun and H. Hafsteinsson, Technological Institute of IcelandIntroductionThe Potential Application of High PressureEffect on Microbial GrowthEffect on Seafood QualityOther Uses of High Pressure and Future TrendsThe Potential Application of High Intensity Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF)Effect on Microbial GrowthEffect on Seafood QualityFuture Trends in PEF AcknowledgementReferencesLACTIC ACID BACTERIA IN FISH PRESERVATIONG. M. Hall, Loughborough UniversityIntroductionThe Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB)Inhibitory EffectsProbiotic EffectLAB Fermentation of FoodsLAB Fermentation of FishLAB in EnsilationLAB Fermentation of Food FishFuture TrendsSources of Further Information and AdviceReferencesFISH DRYINGP. E. Doe, University of TasmaniaIntroductionThe Drying ProcessSpoilage of Smoked, Cured and Dried FishWater Activity and Its SignificanceDrying MethodsDried and Cured Fish ProductsRecent DevelopmentsQuality Assurance and ControlReferencesQUALITY MANAGEMENT OF STORED FISHE. Martinsdottir, Icelandic Fisheries LaboratoryIntroduction: Quality Indices for FishGuidelines for Sensory Evaluation of FishSensory Evaluation of FishQuality Index MethodUsing Quality Indices in Storage Management and Production PlanningKeeping Fish under Different Storage ConditionsFuture TrendsSources of Further Information and AdviceReferencesMAINTAINING THE QUALITY OF FROZEN FISHN. Hedges, Unilever R & D ColworthIntroductionFrozen Supply ChainsFreezing of Fish TissueTexture and Flavour Changes on Frozen StorageTexture Changes on Frozen StorageFlavour Changes on Frozen StoragePre-freezing Factors Influencing Storage StabilityThe Effect of Freezing RateSummaryFuture TrendsSources of Further Information and AdviceReferencesMEASURING THE SHELF-LIFE OF FROZEN FISHH. Rehbein, Institute of Fishery Technology and Fish Quality, HamburgIntroductionDeterioration in Frozen FishIndicators of Deterioration in Frozen FishBiochemical IndicatorsPhysical IndicatorsSensory AssessmentConclusionsReferencesENHANCING RETURNS FROM GREATER UTILISATIONA. Gildberg, Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and AquacultureIntroduction: The Range of ByproductsPhysical ProductsProducts from Enzymatic ModificationsFunctional and Pharmaceutical ByproductsUseful EnzymesFuture TrendsSources of Further Information and AdviceReferences