
DairyPl@za: The trading place for the European dairy market

martes 26 diciembre 2006

The quickest way from producer to end user

DairyPlaza offers sellers and buyers from dairy products an unique and efficient method to do business in a fast, safe and simple way. Saving a lot of time and money. Stop those unnecessary phone calls and experience how it works!

How does it work?

Selling or buying dairy products can be done without the intensive telephone calls, without the intermediate trade and without the loss of time and money. You just log in at DairyPlaza and make use of the clever and high-quality transaction programme. Additional service advantages provide further savings.

Only registered members have access to the electronic market place of DairyPlaza. Each member is provided with a personal user name and password. Logging in will automatically take you to the product group to which you are subscribing as a seller or buyer

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