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Index page for: Maximising the value of marine by-products

Table of Contents PART 1: MARINE BY-PRODUCTS CHARACTERIZATION, RECOVERY, AND PROCESSINGPHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF PROTEIN BY-PRODUCTS FROM SEAFOOD WASTE, T. RustadIntroductionOverviewPhysical and Chemical Properties of Protein-Rich By-Products - Seasonal, Habitat, Species, and Individual VariationsImplication for By-Products ValorizationFuture TrendsSource of Further Information and AdviceReferencesPHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF LIPID BY-PRODUCTS FROM SEAFOOD WASTE, J.P. Kerry and S.C MurphyIntroduction to Fish LipidsHealth Benefits Associated with Fish LipidsFatty Acids Found in Fish MuscleFatty Acids Found in Fish By-ProductsFactors Affecting the Fatty Acid Composition of Fish and Their Associated By-ProductsDeterioration of Fish LipidsImplications for Fish Fat By-Product ValorizationFuture TrendsReferencesON-BOARD HANDLING OF MARINE BY-PRODUCTS TO PREVENT MICROBIAL SPOILAGE, ENZYMATIC REACTIONS, AND LIPID OXIDATION, E. Falch, M. Sandbakk, and M. AursandDeterioration of Marine BiomassHandling and SortingConservation and StabilizationOn-Board ProcessingUtilization of By-Products from Gadiform SpeciesFuture TrendsReferencesRECOVERY OF BY-PRODUCTS FROM SEAFOOD PROCESSING STREAMS, J.A. Torres, Y. Chen, J. Rodrigo-Garcia, and J. JaczynskiState of Global Fisheries and By-ProductsBasic Properties of Water, Proteins, and Lipids in Aquatic FoodsRecovery of Functional Proteins and Lipids from By-ProductsProtein Recovery from Surimi Processing WaterConclusions ReferencesINCREASING PROCESSED FLESH YIELD BY RECOVERY FROM MARINE BY-PRODUCTS, A. Taylor. C. Alasalvar, and A. HimonidesIntroductionRecovery of Flesh from Filleting WasteRecovery of Flesh from Demersal SpeciesQuality and Improvement of Fish MinceFuture TrendsSources of Further Information and AdviceENZYMATIC METHODS FOR MARINE BY-PRODUCTS RECOVERY, F. GuerardOverview of By-Products Extracted by Enzymatic MethodsEnzymatic Extraction MethodsTraceability of By-ProductsCHEMICAL PROCESSING METHODS FOR PROTEIN RECOVERY FORM MARINE BY-PRODUCTS AND UNDERUTILIZED FISH SPECIES, H.G. Kristinsson, A.E. Theodore, and B. IngadottirChemical Extraction: Fish Protein ConcentrateChemical HydrolysisSurimi ProcessingFish Protein Isolates: pH-Shift ProcessingOther Processes Using Low or High pHPART 2: FOOD USES OF MARINE BY-PRODUCTSBY-CATCH, UNDERUTILIZED SPECIES AND UNDERUTILIZED FISH PARTS AS FOOD INGREDIENTS, I. BatistaIntroduction: By-Catch, Discards, and By-ProductsKey DriversUsing the By-Catch and Underutilized SpeciesUsing Underutilized Fish Parts as food and Food IngredientsFuture TrendsSources of Further Information and AdviceMINCE FORM SEAFOOD PROCESSING WASTE AND SURIMI AS FOOD INGREDIENTS, J. Park and J. KimIntroductionManufacturing Fish Mince/SurimiMachinery for Preparation of Fish Mince/SurimiMince/Surimi Processing By-Products Functional Properties of Fish Mince/SurimiNutritional Characteristics Storage StabilityUtilizationReferencesAQUATIC FOOD PROTEIN HYDROLYSATES, H.G. KristinssonIntroductionThe Enzymatic Hydrolysis ProcessProperties of Fish Protein HydrolysatesRole in Food SystemsPhysiological Role in Humans and AnimalsRole in Plant Growth and PropagationRole as Growth Media for Micro-OrganismsFuture TrendsFUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF PROTEIN POWDERS FORM UNDERUTILIZED MARINE FISH AND SEAFOOD PRODUCTS, P.J. Bechtel and S. SathivelaIntroductionFish Protein Powder as Bio-Active IngregientsFunctional Properties of Fish Protein PowdersThermal Properties of Fish Protein PowdersFuture TrendsReferencesMARINE OILS FROM SEAFOOD WASTE, F. Shahidi,Oil from Fish Processing By-ProductsMarine Mammal OilsAlga OilMarine Oil Manufacturing ProcessHealth Effects of PUFACOLLAGEN AND GELATINE FROM MARINE BY-PRODUCTS, J. Regenstein and P. ZhouIntroductionKey Drivers of Marine Collagen and GelatineSources of Marine Collagen and GelatineManufacture of Marine Collagen and GelatineProperties of Marine Collagen and GelatineFood ApplicationsNon-Food ApplicationsImproving the Quality of Collagen and GelatineSources for Further Information and AdviceReferencesSEAFOOD FLAVOR FROM PROCESSING BY-PRODUCTS, C. LeeIntroductionAqueous ExtractionFermentationEnzymatic HyrolysisEnzyme-Assisted Seafood Flavors from Processing By-ProductsFlavor-Imparting Compounds and ChemistryFuture TrendsReferencesFISH AND BONE AS A CALCIUM SOURCE, S. Kim and W. JungIntroductionBiochemical Properties Properties of Fish and BoneUtilization of Fish Bone Calcium and Organic CompoundIn Vivo Availability of Soluble Calcium Complex from Fish BoneCHITIN AND CHITOSAN FROM MARINE BY-PRODUCTS, F. ShahidiChemical CharacteristicsApplications of Chitin, Chitosan, and Their OligomersSafety and Regulatory StatusMARINE ENZYMES FROM SEAFOOD BY-PRODUCTS, M.T. Morrissey and T. OkadaIntroductionMarine EnzymesProducing Enzymes from Seafood By-ProductsMarine By-Products Enzyme UtilizationANTIOXIDANTS FROM MARINE BY-PRODUCTS, F. ShahidiAntioxidants from Marine AlgaeAntioxidants from Marine Animals and Their By-ProductsAnitoxidants form Other Marine SourcesPIGMENTS FROM BY-PRODUCTS OF SEAFOOD PROCESSING, B.K. SimpsonPigment Types and SourcesCartenoid PigmentsOther PigmentsEconomic, Environmental, and Safety ConsiderationsPART 3: NON-FOOD USES OF MARINE BY-PRODUCTSBY-PRODUCTS FROM SEAFOOD PROCESSING FOR AGRICULTURE AND ANIMAL FEEDS, P.J. BechtelIntroductionDriving Forces for Utilization of By-ProductsBy-Product ComponentsOverview of Different Products Produced from Fish By-ProductsMethods of Producing Hydrolysates and SilageNutritional Benefits and Other Properties of Fish and Animal Feeds Made from Seafood Processing WastesFuture TrendsReferencesUSING MARINE BY-PRODUCTS IN PHARMACEUTICAL, MEDICAL, AND COSMETIC PRODUCTS, J. LossoIntroductionSqualamineCollagenProteoglycan and ProtamineFuture TrendsReferencesBIO-DIESEL AND BIO-GAS PRODUCTION FROM SEAFOOD PROCESSING BY-PRODUCTS, R. Zhang and H.M. El-MashadQuantity and Quality of Various Seafood Processing By-ProductsTheories and Technologies for Production of Bio-Diesel and Bio-Gas FuelPotential Yields and Quality of Bio-Diesel and Bio-Gas FuelsProblems Encountered and Possible Approaches for Overcoming ThemFuture Research NeedsSummarySources of Further Information and AdviceReferencesCOMPOSTING OF SEAFOOD WASTES, A. MartinIntroductionBiodegeneration of Seafood Waste by CompostingComposting Operational ParametersCharacteristics of the Composting of Seafood WastesTechnological AspectsBiological AspectsVericompostingQuality Considerations