
Handbook of Food-Drug Interactions
Author:ISBN10: 084931531X
ISBN13: 9780849315312
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $109.95
Pages: 584
Publish date: abril 2003
Presents basic concepts, terminology, and clinical issues to promote effective communication across discipline lines Identifies new foods, supplements, and ethnic dishes that may contribute significantly to food-drug interactions Explores specific topics such as diseases, disorders, and lifestyle choices Provides practical models and tools for learning, planning, and implementing programs to prevent interactions Includes appendices that provide a quick reference for important values, formulas, patient assessment and education tools With contributions from the fields of pharmacy, dietetics, and medicine, Handbook of Food-Drug Interactions serves as an interdisciplinary guide to the prevention and correction of negative food-drug interactions. Rather than simply list potential food-drug interactions, this book provides explanations and gives specific recommendations based on the frequency and severity of reactions. Each chapter brings together the unique talents and knowledge of practitioners in different disciplines who provide a clear, thorough treatment of this important subject.
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