
Gender Differences in Metabolism: Practical and Nutritional Implications
Author:ISBN10: 849381940
ISBN13: 9780849381942
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $149.95
Pages: 368
Publish date: noviembre 1998
oDiscusses gender differences with regard to exercise metabolism and how nutritional needs differ from male to female Provides baseline information on female metabolic rates and female response to drugs, nutrients, and physiology Considers the energy balance in high altitudes and whether females can perform better than males in that type environment Explores the protective effect of estrogen with regard to muscular damage Examines hormonal response and metabolism during exercise and endurance Includes information on Ergogenic Aids or performance-enhancing substances that may have different effects in males and females Gender Differences in Metabolism: Practical and Nutritional Implications is the first book to successfully integrate nutritional science, exercise physiology/medicine, and metabolism. This volume explores recent scientific evidence that male and female athletes exhibit different metabolic responses and, therefore, differ in their nutritional needs and advice. Anyone interested in good health, exercise, and nutrition will find this book a valuable resource.
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