
Food Toxicology
Author:ISBN10: 849327601
ISBN13: 9780849327605
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $149.95
Pages: 240
Publish date: agosto 2000
Presents important topics in food safety and toxicology Evaluates the relative risk associated with consumption of low levels of pesticides Addresses cutting-edge developments of critical importance to the food industry and public health Debates the merits of risk evaluation, a particularly important issue to all involved in food toxicology Discusses the history of the development and commercialization of genetically modified foods, an issue at the forefront of international trade discussions and one which is clearly of significant interest to consumers Discusses the potential risks and benefits of dietary estrogens and antiestrogens, concerns which are likely to form the toxicology issue of the early part of this century New data continually indicate that antioxidants may contribute to reductions in cancer risks and that chronic consumption of low levels of chemical carcinogens in our diet may contribute to an increased risk of developing specific types of cancers. Research also shows that in America today, the leading causes of death are cancer and heart disease. Considering that diet plays a significant role in the development of both of these diseases, issues of food toxicology become particularly topical. Food Toxicology provides a comprehensive look at contemporary food toxicology issues. Its nine chapters, all authored by leading American academic experts, concisely address critical chemical food safety and food toxicology issues that emerged in the latter half of the last decade. Specifically, the book discusses food allergens and their diagnoses, biotechnology, estrogenic factors, and anti-toxicants. It also addresses more traditional topics such as pesticide residues, food additives, plant toxins, microbial toxins, and food analysis. Food Toxicology presents a comprehensive treatment of food toxicology topics of scientific, regulatory, and public interest. In essence, therefore, the book represents an up-to-date analysis of important topics that are found both at the cutting edge of science and on the front pages of newspapers.
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