
The Food Chemistry Laboratory: A Manual for Experimental Foods, Dietetics, and Food Scientists, Second Edition
Author:ISBN10: 849312930
ISBN13: 9780849312939
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $53.95
Pages: 152
Publish date: febrero 2003
Includes new and updated experiments Provides practical demonstrations of principles of food chemistry, many without specialized lab equipment Teaches students the proper way to maintain a laboratory notebook, how to record original data, and how to analyze that data Includes additional sections suitable for upper division lab courses in food chemistry Describes the uses and procedures for major equipment used in the study of food quality and research Appropriate for courses for food science majors as well as dietetics/nutrition majors A popular book in its first edition, The Food Chemistry Laboratory: A Manual for Experimental Foods, Dietetics, and Food Scientists, Second Edition continues to provide students with practical knowledge of the fundamentals of designing, executing, and reporting the results of a research project. Presenting experiments that can be completed, in many cases, without requiring extensive student laboratory facilities, the authors include new exercises in the areas of physical properties, lipids, proteins, and gelatin. Also new in this edition are a brief introduction to each laboratory exercise and a listing of materials needed, approximate time needed for completion, and possible complications and/or pitfalls. Tested and refined for over 20 years, and performed by thousands of students, experiments are presented within 12 planned laboratory sessions. This flexible format allows you to create your own laboratory sessions by choosing the number and order of sessions and experiments to be performed. In addition to the well-tested experiments, The Food Chemistry Laboratory, Second Edition provides students with information on accessing food chemistry literature, research proposal preparation, preparing oral and written technical reports, and an evaluation score sheet. Guidelines for preparing laboratory notebooks are also included and a handy appendix allows rapid access to directions for setting up a difference testing experiment.
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