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Mag flow calibration with Endress+Hauser Promass
Mag flow calibration with Endress+Hauser PromassWhat is measured and for what reason:
Calibration is the central need to ensure that the quality control is based on the right data. For magnetic inductive meters this can be done with a bypass flow calibration rid, on site.Why is it special:
The calibration rig needs to fit in the process environment. It must be easy hand able and accurate enough to have resources, compared to the instrument that is calibrated.How can it be solved best:
The Endress+Hauser Promass Coriolois meter hat an accuracy that is 10 times higher than the accuracy of magnetic inductive flow meter. The Promass meter is used in hygienic applications as well, so it is designed for these applications.Para más información: Endress+Hauser GmbH