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DrinkTec 2009 Pall
Pall has all kinds of solutions based on depth or surface filtration.
Pall Aria UNA – 620C Module
Ground water – removal of iron and manganese
Surface and municipally treated water – removal of particles, turbidity and microorganisms e.g. Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts
Water refuse, e.g. filter backwash recovery
Bottle rinsing water – removal of fine colloids, protection of the final filter
End of pipe recovery
CIP recycling
- Consistent water quality production regardless to raw water quality
- Porous homogenous material for high mechanical resistance
- Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) membrane for high chemical resistance
- Food contact grade materials
- Turbidity reduction: < 0.1 NTU
- Total suspended solids< 0.1 mg/L
- Salt Density Index (SDI) < 3
- Microorganisms reduction: 6 log Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts
- Organic reduction: Removal of natural or coagulated organic particles such as colloids
- Metals reduction: Removal of oxidized iron, manganese and arsenic
- Membrane life time > 5 years
- Highly compatible with chlorine at up to 5,000 ppm NaOCl
Technical details
- Robust PVDF hollow fiber membrane
- Porous layer
- End sealing potting
- Outside-inside filtration flow
- Large surface area membrane module: 50 m2
- Length: 2.160 mm
- Diameter: 165 mm
- Fiber inner diameter: 0.7 mm
- Fiber outer diameter: 1.4 mm
- Maximum trans membrane pressure: 3 bar
- Maximum temperature: 40°C
- pH range: 1 - 10
Liquid Liquid Coalescer Demonstration
Separation of aqueous from oil phases in emerging flavor, extract, vitamin and other emulsion-based food and beverage fluids.
Technical details
- Incoming fluid stream is continuously separated into aqueous and oily fluid streams
- Inside to outside flow path results in coalescing action
- Pre-filtration followed by final coalescing
- Customized solutions based on customer requirements
- Consistent and sharp separation of dispersed aqueous and oily phases even with high interfacial tension
- Energy savings and increased process up time due to change from batch to continuous production
- Customer and brand protection with coalescers which meet food contact regulations
- Higher process yields due to elimination of tankage and filters aids
- Reduced exposure to solvent with a closed system
- Elimination of handling. Labor and waste-intensive filter aid technology
- Flexible sizing matched to requirements of the application
- Reduced cleaning and water costs
Para más información:
Pall GmbH