Statistics for branch oil, margarines & sauces in Malta
Click on a country for the statistics of that country.Branches bakery beverage dairy fruit & vegetable meat & fish oil, margarines & sauces other feed & pet food total of all branches Total number of companies in Malta for branch oil, margarines & sauces
Statistics France
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 165 |
20-99 | 16 |
100 – 249 | 5 |
250 > | 2 |
Total | 188 |
Statistics Portugal
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 436 |
20-99 | 8 |
100 – 249 | 4 |
250 > | 0 |
Total | 448 |
Statistics Spain
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 1,579 |
20-99 | 95 |
100 – 249 | 7 |
250 > | 0 |
Total | 1,681 |
Statistics Italy
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 4,219 |
20-99 | 49 |
100 – 249 | 5 |
250 > | 3 |
Total | 4,276 |
Statistics Belgium
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 8 |
20-99 | 5 |
100 – 249 | 1 |
250 > | 3 |
Total | 17 |
Statistics Germany
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 0 |
20-99 | 0 |
100 – 249 | 8 |
250 > | 0 |
Total | 8 |
Statistics Netherlands
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 0 |
20-99 | 5 |
100 – 249 | 0 |
250 > | 10 |
Total | 15 |
Statistics Czech Republic
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 13 |
20-99 | 6 |
100 – 249 | 1 |
250 > | 2 |
Total | 22 |
Statistics Austria
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 33 |
20-99 | 1 |
100 – 249 | 3 |
250 > | 1 |
Total | 38 |
Statistics Hungary
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 0 |
20-99 | 0 |
100 – 249 | 0 |
250 > | 0 |
Total | 0 |
Statistics Slovenia
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 0 |
20-99 | 0 |
100 – 249 | 0 |
250 > | 0 |
Total | 0 |
Statistics Slovakia
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 0 |
20-99 | 0 |
100 – 249 | 0 |
250 > | 0 |
Total | 0 |
Statistics Poland
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 0 |
20-99 | 0 |
100 – 249 | 0 |
250 > | 3 |
Total | 3 |
Statistics Greece
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 0 |
20-99 | 0 |
100 – 249 | 0 |
250 > | 0 |
Total | 0 |
Statistics Malta
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 0 |
20-99 | 0 |
100 – 249 | 0 |
250 > | 0 |
Total | 0 |
Statistics Cyprus
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 0 |
20-99 | 0 |
100 – 249 | 0 |
250 > | 0 |
Total | 0 |
Statistics Ireland
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 0 |
20-99 | 0 |
100 – 249 | 0 |
250 > | 0 |
Total | 0 |
Statistics United Kingdom
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 48 |
20-99 | 10 |
100 – 249 | 0 |
250 > | 3 |
Total | 61 |
Statistics Denmark
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 10 |
20-99 | 5 |
100 – 249 | 1 |
250 > | 1 |
Total | 17 |
Statistics Sweden
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 41 |
20-99 | 1 |
100 – 249 | 1 |
250 > | 3 |
Total | 46 |
Statistics Finland
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 15 |
20-99 | 2 |
100 – 249 | 0 |
250 > | 1 |
Total | 18 |
Statistics Estonia
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 1 |
20-99 | 1 |
100 – 249 | 0 |
250 > | 0 |
Total | 2 |
Statistics Latvia
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 1 |
20-99 | 1 |
100 – 249 | 0 |
250 > | 0 |
Total | 2 |
Statistics Lithuania
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
for branch oil-margarines-sauces
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 9 |
20-99 | 1 |
100 – 249 | 1 |
250 > | 0 |
Total | 11 |