Statistics for branch meat & fish in Hungary
Click on a country for the statistics of that country.Branches bakery beverage dairy fruit & vegetable meat & fish oil, margarines & sauces other feed & pet food total of all branches Total number of companies in Hungary for branch meat & fish
Statistics France
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 11,208 |
20-99 | 943 |
100 – 249 | 187 |
250 > | 130 |
Total | 12,468 |
Statistics Portugal
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 291 |
20-99 | 142 |
100 – 249 | 36 |
250 > | 11 |
Total | 480 |
Statistics Spain
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 4,068 |
20-99 | 806 |
100 – 249 | 98 |
250 > | 40 |
Total | 5,012 |
Statistics Italy
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 3,682 |
20-99 | 421 |
100 – 249 | 54 |
250 > | 27 |
Total | 4,184 |
Statistics Belgium
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 767 |
20-99 | 158 |
100 – 249 | 20 |
250 > | 12 |
Total | 957 |
Statistics Germany
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 13,576 |
20-99 | 835 |
100 – 249 | 206 |
250 > | 85 |
Total | 14,702 |
Statistics Netherlands
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 725 |
20-99 | 175 |
100 – 249 | 30 |
250 > | 40 |
Total | 970 |
Statistics Czech Republic
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 1,142 |
20-99 | 144 |
100 – 249 | 44 |
250 > | 23 |
Total | 1,353 |
Statistics Austria
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 1,027 |
20-99 | 107 |
100 – 249 | 24 |
250 > | 8 |
Total | 1,166 |
Statistics Hungary
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 521 |
20-99 | 139 |
100 – 249 | 20 |
250 > | 30 |
Total | 710 |
Statistics Slovenia
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 135 |
20-99 | 35 |
100 – 249 | 7 |
250 > | 4 |
Total | 181 |
Statistics Slovakia
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 68 |
20-99 | 25 |
100 – 249 | 15 |
250 > | 12 |
Total | 120 |
Statistics Poland
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 3,464 |
20-99 | 616 |
100 – 249 | 142 |
250 > | 79 |
Total | 4,301 |
Statistics Greece
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 0 |
20-99 | 0 |
100 – 249 | 0 |
250 > | 0 |
Total | 0 |
Statistics Malta
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 25 |
20-99 | 0 |
100 – 249 | 0 |
250 > | 0 |
Total | 25 |
Statistics Cyprus
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 65 |
20-99 | 11 |
100 – 249 | 3 |
250 > | 0 |
Total | 79 |
Statistics Ireland
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 89 |
20-99 | 110 |
100 – 249 | 37 |
250 > | 11 |
Total | 247 |
Statistics United Kingdom
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 932 |
20-99 | 280 |
100 – 249 | 81 |
250 > | 116 |
Total | 1,409 |
Statistics Denmark
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 183 |
20-99 | 68 |
100 – 249 | 22 |
250 > | 16 |
Total | 289 |
Statistics Sweden
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 559 |
20-99 | 95 |
100 – 249 | 11 |
250 > | 8 |
Total | 673 |
Statistics Finland
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 338 |
20-99 | 37 |
100 – 249 | 2 |
250 > | 9 |
Total | 386 |
Statistics Estonia
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 100 |
20-99 | 43 |
100 – 249 | 9 |
250 > | 6 |
Total | 158 |
Statistics Latvia
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 167 |
20-99 | 69 |
100 – 249 | 17 |
250 > | 15 |
Total | 268 |
Statistics Lithuania
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
for branch meat-fish-shrimps
Number of employees | Number of businesses |
1 – 19 | 322 |
20-99 | 94 |
100 – 249 | 29 |
250 > | 6 |
Total | 451 |