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Celsimix: Mixing solids and liquids
Under controlled conditions the Celsimix mixes different materials (solid and liquid) brought together in a continuous process. During the mixing process any chosen amount of heat is added or removed to create or maintain the ideal mixing conditions.The Celsimix mixing function is determined by a mixing section in the middle of the application. The mixing method is variable and is adapted to the conditions and required mixing ratio.
We use the Celsimix in a very wide range of applications. The Celsimix mixes caramel and almonds into a wonderfully homogenous mass that serves as a basis for brittle candy. Read the full case story here
Another wonderful application is the mixing of powdered limestone and polyolefins as basis for the backing of carpet tiles. This solution has enabled the Carpet Tile manufacturer Desso from Waalwijk to take a great step forward in their cradle to cradle philosophy.
For more information: Celsius