Vecom Group | Maassluis | Netherlands |
V2 Engineering S.r.l. | Zola Predosa / Bologna | Italy |
VAC-STAR Verpackungsmaschinen | Sugiez | Switzerland |
Vacuum Barrier Systems | Waterloo | Belgium |
VACUUM PUMP S.p.A. | Beverate di Brivio / LC | Italy |
Vadeal Plastics B.V. | Veghel | Netherlands |
VAI | Castelfranco Veneto / TV | Italy |
Vaihinger GmbH SANOMAT | Bad Camberg | Germany |
VAKONA Nahrungsmittelmaschinen | Lienen | Germany |
Vakumix Rühr- und Homogenisiertechnik | Weyhe | Germany |
Valco Cincinnati GmbH | Mittenwalde | Germany |
Valmatic S.r.l. | San Prospero / Mo | Italy |
Valois Pharma | Marly le Roi | France |
Valpar Industrial | Bangor | United Kingdom |
Valsemollen A/S | | Denmark |
Van Aarsen Machinefabriek | Heel | Netherlands |
Van Asselt & Alferink | Culemborg | Netherlands |
Van Beek | Drunen | Netherlands |
Van de Leur Banketspecialiteiten bv | | Netherlands |
Van der Ent Machines | Helmond | Netherlands |
Van der Graaf | Emsdetten | Germany |
van der Heijden Nederland Verpakking BV | Veldhoven | Netherlands |
van der Molen | Kissing | Germany |
Van Der Molen do Brasil | Rio de Janeiro | Brazil |
Van Der Molen Production | Wormerveer | Netherlands |
Van der Pol Bakery Equipment | Bunschoten | Netherlands |
Van Genechten Packaging | Turnhout | Belgium |
Van Hees | Walluf | Germany |
Van Koetsveld & Grimberg Säureschutztechnik | Gronau | Germany |
Van Leeuwen Stainless | Beesd | Netherlands |
Van Lente & De Vos | Helmond | Netherlands |
Van Leyen Packaging | Almere | Netherlands |
van Maarschalkerwaart | Deventer | Netherlands |
Van Meeuwen | Weesp | Netherlands |
Van Meurs | Zytphen | Netherlands |
Van Mourik | Ede | Netherlands |
van Oirschot Roestvrijstaal | Boxtel | Netherlands |
Van Straalen de Vries | Zwaag | Netherlands |
Van Uhm | Borne | Netherlands |
Van Wijk & Boerma Pompen | | |
Van Wouw Engineering | Dalfsen | Netherlands |
Van Zutphen | Oirschot | Netherlands |
Vande Berg Scales | Sioux Center | United States of America |
Vapo Trading | Tilburg | Netherlands |
Varo Process Equipment | Hornslet | |
Varonesi Separatori | Villanova di Castenaso, Bologna | Italy |
Varotec Kennzeichnungstechnik GmbH | Bad Lippspringe | Germany |
Varpe Control de Peso S.A. | Barberá del Vallés – Barcelona | Spain |
VATW Bäckereimaschinenbau GmbH | Halle (Saale) | Germany |
VCG Flüssigkeitsfüllmaschinen GmbH | Kaltenberg | Germany |
VDL Industrial Products | Eindhoven | Netherlands |
VDMA Association | Frankfurt a. M. | Germany |
VDMA Fachverband Nahrungsmittel- und Verpackungsmaschinen | Frankfurt am Main | Germany |
VE.TRA.CO Srl | Madignano (CR) | Italy |
Veab | Casaselvatica (Berceto) | Italy |
Vectron Systems AG | Münster | Germany |
Veembedrijf Almelo | Almelo | Netherlands |
Veenstra Coevorden | Coevorden | Netherlands |
Veer Karton | | Germany |
VEGA Meet- en Regeltechniek | Amersfoort | Netherlands |
Velati S.r.l. | Tribiano (MI) | Italy |
Velo acciai | S. Zenone degli Ezzelini (TV) | Italy |
Velo Group | Altivole | Italy |
Velox Barchitta | Milano | Italy |
VELTEKO s.r.o. | Vlasim | Czech Republic |
VEMA Industrie-Verpackung GmbH & Co. KG | Neusäss | Germany |
VEMAG Anlagenbau | Verden | Germany |
VEMAG Maschinenbau | Verden | Germany |
Venair Iberica | Terrassa (Barcelona) | |
Vendee Concept | La Roche-Sur-Yon | France |
Vendo | Düsseldorf | Germany |
Venfin S.r.l. | Rho / Milano | Italy |
Ventilex | Heerde | Netherlands |
Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies | Saint-Maurice | France |
Veolia Water Systems | Krakow | Poland |
Vepatec Pack Systems GmbH | Hochheim / Main | Germany |
Vepatec Verpackungstechnik | Bodenheim | Germany |
Verband der mittelständischen Privatbrauereien in Bayern | München | Germany |
Verband der Wellpappen-Industrie | Darmstadt | Germany |
Verband Deutscher Mühlen e.V. | | Germany |
Verband ehem. Weihenstephanerder Brauerabteilung | Langenzenn | Germany |
Verband Metallverpackungen e.V. | Düsseldorf | Germany |
Verbaten Stortgoedtechniek | Prinsenbeek | Netherlands |
Verbufa | Heule | Belgium |
Verbufa | Amersfoort | Netherlands |
Verder BV | Groningen | Netherlands |
Verder Deutschland | Haan | Germany |
Verder Group | | |
Veripack Packaging Division of FNC Spa | Cislago | Italy |
Veriplast Consumer Packaging | Apeldoorn | Netherlands |
Verlag Karlheinz Holz | München | Germany |
Verlag Th. Mann | Gelsenkirchen | Germany |
Vermeulen | | Netherlands |
vermicon | München | Germany |
Veronesi Separatori | Villanova di Castenaso | Italy |
Verrerie Soufflee Mecanique S.A. | Andeville | France |
Versuchs- und Lehranstaltfür Brauerei in Berlin (VLB) | Berlin | Germany |
Versuchsanstalt der Hefeindustrie e.V. | Berlin | Germany |
Vetropack Austria GmbH | Pöchlarn | Austria |
VETTE EDV-Beratung& Entwicklung | Haibach | Germany |
VETTER Maschinenfabrik | | |
Vetter Pharma-Fertigung GmbH & Co. KG | Ravensburg | Germany |
VetterTec | Kassel | Germany |
Vezzadini + C. | Reggio Emilia | Italy |
VFI Group | Bredsten | Denmark |
VGC Services | Merksem | Belgium |
Vibac S.p.A. | Ticineto (Al) | Italy |
VIBRA Maschinenfabrik Schultheis | Offenbach | Germany |
Vibrofloors Company | Parlafrusell | |
Vibrofloors Polka | Krakow | Poland |
VIBROFLOORS WORLD GROUP | Fayetteville | United States of America |
VibroTech | Landsberg | Germany |
VICOTEX | Pully | Switzerland |
Victrix Group S.r.l., Division ESPO' | Vinci / FI | Italy |
VICTUS S.r.l. of TURRI GROUP | Costa di Rovigo (RO) | Italy |
VIDA Packaging AB | Hestra | Sweden |
Videojet Technologies | Limburg | Germany |
Videojet Technologies | Wood Dale | United States of America |
Videoplastic S.p.A. | Gorlago / BG | Italy |
Viking Malt | Lahti | Finland |
Vima Impianti | Veneri Pescia PT | Italy |
Vima Impianti S.r.l. | Porcari / Lucca | Italy |
Vimco | Fino Mornasco (CO) | Italy |
VIPA Ges. f. Visualisierung u. Prozeßautomatisierung mbH | Herzogenaurach | Germany |
Vipam b.v. | Geldermalsen | Netherlands |
VIPOLL | Križevci pri Ljutumeru | Slovenia |
VIPS-MED, Firm, Ltd | Fryazino, Moscow Region | |
VIRO Food B.V. Consultancy & Engineering | Leeuwarden | Netherlands |
Virojanglor Groupe | Blanc Mesnil | France |
VIROPLASTIC | Frydek Mistek | |
VIS | Varazdin | Croatia |
Viscofan USA | Montgomery | United States of America |
Viscon Verpackungsmaschinen | Fichtenau | Germany |
ViscoTec Pumpen u. Dosiertechnik | Töging a. Inn | Germany |
vishakha polyfab Pvt | Ahmedabad | India |
Visiglas S.A. | Nivelles | Belgium |
VISIOLASER | Antony | France |
Vision Pack S.r.l., Packaging Factoring Holding | Lallio / Bg | Italy |
ViskoTeepak | Mariehamn | Finland |
Visval AG | Düdingen | China |
Visys sorting systems | Hasselt | Belgium |
Vit-Pack | Hengelo | Netherlands |
Vitali & Caucia S.r.l. | Lecco | Italy |
Vitalo Packaging | Meulebeke | Belgium |
VitalSensors Technologies | Acton | United States of America |
Vitella S.r.l. | | Italy |
Vitop Moulding | Alessandria | Italy |
VITRONIC Dr.-Ing. SteinBildverarbeitungssysteme | Wiesbaden | Germany |
Vivotec | Kalkar | Germany |
VKF Renzel | Isselburg | Germany |
VKF Spritzgusstechnik GmbH | Eisfeld | Germany |
VLS Technologies | San Zenone degli Ezzelini | Italy |
VMI | | France |
VMI Artisanat | | France |
VMI Kneaders & Mixers | Montaigu Cedex | France |
VMT Vision Machine, Bildverarbeitungs GmbH | Mannheim | Germany |
Vofatec Procesinstallaties | Heusden | Netherlands |
Vogel & Noot Packaging | Mitterdorf | Austria |
VOGES VERPAKKING | Hillegom | Netherlands |
Vöhringer engineering | Lichtenstein | Germany |
Voith Paper Holding | Heidenheim | Germany |
Volkmann GmbH Vakuum-Technik | Soest | Germany |
Vollenda-Werk GmbH | Kaltenberg | Germany |
Volpak | Barcelona | |
Volta Belting Technology | Karmiel | Israel |
VOMATEC | Sneek | Netherlands |
Vomm Impianti e Processi | Rozzano | Italy |
von Gehlen, Carl | Mönchengladbach | Germany |
Von Rohr ARCA | | |
von Rohr Armaturen | Muttenz 2 | Switzerland |
Voran Maschinen Kranzl | Pichl/Wels | |
Vormenfabriek Tilburg | Tilburg | Netherlands |
Vortella Lebensmittelwerk W. Vortmeyer GmbH | | Germany |
Vortex Systems | Fossalta di Copparo / FE | Italy |
VOS instrumenten | Zaltbommel | Netherlands |
VOS Schott Fleischereisysteme | Butzbach | Germany |
Vritherm | Leinfelden | Germany |
VSD Food Machinery | Almelo | Netherlands |
VSM Automatisering | Sambeek | Netherlands |
Vtt Technical Research Centre of Finland | Espoo | Finland |
Vulcascot Getränkeindustriebedarf | Wien | |
Vulganus Oy | Nastola | Finland |
Vuurslag | Breda | Netherlands |
VWR International | Darmstadt | Germany |
VWS Nederland | Zaltbommel | Netherlands |