
Nutrition: Science and Applications, 1st Edition
Author: Lori A. Smolin , Mary B. GrosvenorISBN13: 9780471420859
Publisher: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Price: €94.00
Pages: 912
Edition: Hardcover
Publish date: February 2007
New from Wiley, profile provides you with a wonderful new software tool to accurately assess your current diet and exercise habits and help you determine ways to improve your nutritional profile. Among the many features of this dynamic new software are: * Nutrient values of over 26,000 foods, including many of the most popular food choices today, as well as ethnic and cultural choices * The ability to add foods in order to accurately track individual diets * Enhanced tools for analyzing physical activity to better calculate your energy balance * Animations and a photographic gallery to help ensure you comprehend just what a serving size is, and how different food measurements compare with one another. * Distinctive Features that support and expand on you understanding of nutrients-Whey Your Appetite and Nutrients Unwrapped * A Recipe Builder * Multiple reports that are easily exported. Available both online and on a multi-platform CD-ROM [0-470-11431-2]
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