
Technology of Biscuits, Crackers, and Cookies, Third Edition
Author:ISBN10: 084930895X
ISBN13: 9780849308956
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $269.95
Pages: 480
Publish date: July 2000
Contains new material on reduced fat products, food intolerance, and biscuits with special nutritive attributes Presents new chapters on HACCP, product development, and the selection of raw ingredients Expands the chapter on the classification of biscuits to include all of the recipes collected from the author's 30 years of experience in the industry Features a complete revision of biscuit production processes that includes the latest developments in technology and practices In the ten years since the publication of Technology of Biscuits, Crackers and Cookies, Second Edition, the pace of change witnessed by the food industry more than justifies this fully updated and revised version. In addition to the increased importance of safety and quality issues, consumers have also increased demand for innovative and nutritionally valuable foods. To help you to meet these demands, author Duncan Manley has completely revised and updated Technology of Biscuits, Crackers and Cookies, maintaining its status as the first choice reference book for the biscuit industry. You'll find new information in every section of the book, including new material on nutritional issues and a new chapter covering Total Quality Management and HACCP. A comprehensive account of biscuit manufacturing techniques, this book covers every facet of the industry, from management to manufacturing.
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