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Index page for: Frying of Food: Oxidation, Nutrient and Non-Nutrient Antioxidants, Biologically Active Compounds and High Temperatures

Table of Contents Preface D. Boskou and I. Elmadfa List of ContributorsFat and NutritionI. Elmadfa and K-H. Wagner Oxidation Products and Metabolic Processes S. M. Mahungu, W. E. Artz and E. G. Perkins Formation of Free Radicals and Protection Mechanisms in vitro and in vivo C. Lambert Changes of Nutrients at Frying Temperatures J. Pokorn? Enzymatic Methods for the Study of Thermally Oxidized Oils and Fats F. J. S?nchez-Muniz and J. M. S?nchez-Montero Determination of Oxidized Compounds and Oligomers by Chromatographic Techniques M. C. Dobarganes, G. M?rquez-Ruiz, O. Berdeaux and J. Velasco Nutrient Antioxidants and Stability of Oils: Tocochromanols, Beta-Carotene, Phylloquinone, Ubiquinone 50 K-H. Wagner and I. ElmadfaNon-Nutrient Antioxidants and Stability of Frying Oils D. Boskou Phytosterols and Stability of Frying Oils G. Blekas and D. Boskou Palm Oil in Frying T. P. Pantzaris Safety and Reliability during Frying Operations-Effects of Detrimental Components and Fryer Design Features S. P. Kochhar Index