
Proteins in food processing
Author:ISBN10: 849325366
ISBN13: 9780849325366
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $339.95
Pages: 686
Publish date: April 2004
Provides a comprehensive review of how proteins may be used to enhance the quality of food products Features a distinguished international team of contributors Includes references at the end of each chapter Proteins are essential dietary components which have a range of functional and structural properties that significantly impact food quality. Today, a growing body of research is dedicated to understanding protein structure and developing proteins as multi-functional ingredients for the food industry. Edited by a leading expert in the field and with a distinguished international team of contributors, Proteins in Food Processing reviews the latest research on how proteins may be used to enhance the nutritional, textural, and other qualities of food products. Following two introductory chapters, the book discusses sources of proteins, examining the caseins, whey, and muscle and soy proteins, as well as the proteins from oil-producing plants, cereals, and seaweed. It illustrates the analysis and modification of proteins, with chapters on testing protein functionality, extracting and purifying proteins, and reducing their allergenicity. A final group of chapters is devoted to the functional value of proteins and how they are used as additives in foods. Exploring the many ways that proteins may be used to improve the quality of food products, this comprehensive reference is useful for food scientists and food industry professionals involved in this important field.