
Phytochemicals in Health and Disease
Author:ISBN10: 824740238
ISBN13: 9780824740238
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $189.95
Pages: 384
Publish date: Mai 2004
Displays current trends in the utilization of phytochemicals to possibly reduce risk for cataracts, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic health conditions Studies genistein-induced gene expression and its role in the regulation of cancer Compares various methods for the measurement of bioavailability and reviews the wide range of factors affecting bioavailability Examines the anticancer, antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties of some phytochemicals Considers the modification of fruits and vegetables for increased phytochemical levels ? well-written and the content is clearly presented. ? There are plentiful figures and tables, which are effectively labeled and adequately support the content. ?highly recommended for academic and special libraries. ?effectively presents current research on phytochemicals in a readable manner. - E-Streams This landmark volume shows how far the field has advanced ? . This important volume is filled with reports on what the editors term as the 'new era' in the study of phytochemicals, in which we move from the 'eat more vegetable and fruit' admonition to more detailed information on the biology, molecular biology, regulatory function, and role in human health of phytochemicals. ? All workers in phytochemicals should get themselves a copy of this valuable book.