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Turbidity measurement at the lauter tun in the brewhouse of a brewery

Advantages of 25°/90° scattered light measurement:

In the brewhouse - the centrepiece of the brewing process - turbidity measurement at the outlet of the lauter tun plays an important role.

Turbidity measurement in a brewery's lauter tun is used to monitor the clarity of the wort by measuring the solids content. Precise control of turbidity is crucial to ensure the quality of the beer, as too much husk can lead to fermentation problems and flavour impairment.

Optimum turbidity values during the lautering process have a positive effect on subsequent process steps such as filtration and therefore save money by extending filter service life.

Our TurBiScat PM 40 monitors turbidity with a proven measuring principle, precisely and reliably; with MEBAK/EBC-compliant turbidity measurement using 25° scattered light measurement, the optimum method, sensitive to undissolved particles such as husks for monitoring the lautering process. Thanks to the second measuring angle at 90° for colloidal turbidity, the TurBiScat PM 40 can see even more.

Ideal both for pumping turbidity and for monitoring the entire lautering process. 80% of the lautering time the turbidity should be below 30 EBC.

The TurBiScat PM 40 offers low life cycle costs and enables an economical filtering process: lower turbidity after lautering ensures more efficient filtration later in the process with longer filter service lives and improves the chemical and physical stability of the beer.

A TurBiScat PM 40 - more than just pumping cloudy wort.

The advantages

The Sigrist TurBiScat PM 40 offers several advantages in this context:

  • Two angle measurement: By measuring the scattered light at 90° and 25°, both low and high turbidity values can be precisely recorded
  • Colour compensation: The device compensates for colour influences, resulting in greater measuring accuracy
  • Robust, maintenance-free design: Thanks to the gasket-free design with materials such as Hastelloy and sapphire, the appliance is particularly durable and low-maintenance
  • Simple calibration: Quick adjustment with a secondary standard enables uncomplicated calibration

These features make the TurBiScat PM 40 a reliable instrument for monitoring and controlling the lautering process in breweries.

Find out more in the application note >>>

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Detecting oil leaks from turbines

Where electrical energy is produced by a hydropower plant, rotating parts are exposed to water. These rotating parts are lubricated by grease or lubricating oil. Wear and abrasive particles in the turbined water such as sand attack the bearings. This circumstance is a potential source of oil leaks, which poses a risk to the aquatic environment or drinking water supplies downstream of the turbine.

The challenge

In case of an oil leak at a large hydropower plant, several litres of lubricating oil may be released into the environment. Beside threats to the environment, broken bearings reduce efficiency during operation and therefore reduce the produced energy.

SuS_Landeswasser_Schema der Donauwasseraufbereitung mit Sigrist Geräten

Depending on the turbine, different components areaffected by oil leaks:

  • Kaplan turbine: hydrodynamic bearing, adjustable runner blades
  • Pelton turbine: jet deflector, nozzle needle, shut-off device
  • Francis turbine: hydrodynamic bearing, adjustable guide vanes, hydraulic servos

The solution

With the OilGuard 2 W Sigrist offers an instrument for continuous monitoring of water in hydropower applications. It can be used to detect oil traces from petroleum-based lubricants. This allows hydropower plant operators to monitor turbines during operation without a need to carry out laboratory tests or a shutdown of the plant. The continuous measurment of oil traces allows the hydropower plant operator to quickly identify an oil leak. The operator is able to initiate immediate measures and prevent further damage to the turbine. Such rapid and appropriate measures also minimise the amount of contaminated water released into the environment and can prevent difficulties with the water protection authorities or possible claims for compensation from the public. In most cases of a shutdown, the loss of energy produced and damage to the environment exceeds the cost of the measuring device. The continuous monitoring of oil traces also provides operators valuable information about the condition of the turbines in operation. For instance, it allows to plan upcoming maintenance work or better estimate the addition of lubricant.

Technical details

The Sigrist OilGuard 2 W A is a continuously operating instrument that reacts reliably and quickly to the smallest traces of oil. The instrument measures the fluorescence* properties of hydrocarbons in petroleum- based lubricants, fuels and oils when they are mixed with the water. Due to this measuring principle, the measurement is not negatively affected by turbidity. Thanks to the non-contact free-fall measurement, the OilGuard 2 W does not suffer any falsification of measured values as a result of window contamination. In addition, the integrated automatic calibration function checks and recalibrates the device fully automatically during measurement operation. If the device detects a measurement error, it automatically issues an error message. This offers the user maximum safety and maximum device availability.

*Other sources of fluorescence in the water have an influence on the measurement and require additional evaluation.

Further applications
  • Detect oil leaks in the drainage water of power station central and reservoirs
  • Detect traces of oil in the drainage water of waste disposal sites
  • Detect oil leaks in snowmaking systems
  • Detect traces of oil in drinking water reservoirs
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USP's & Advantages


Our company is an independent Swiss SME and enjoys a very good image as a manufacturer of high quality process photometers on the world market. Our customers benefit from our years of experience and best Swiss quality.


Our company culture is based on a symbiosis of material and immaterial values that we maintain and develop for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Swiss Innovation

Our products provide solutions to real needs of the society, of people and of the environment. In terms of quality, reliability and uniqueness, they meet the highest standards and provide significant benefits to our customers.

Ethics + Responsibility

Our focus is directed at responsible corporate behaviour. We consider fairness, reliability and sustainability as much as factors of success as economic aspects.



Consorci d'Aigües de Tarragona (CAT) / Spain

The latest European Directive 2020/2184 established turbidity as a basic control parameter for the quality of drinking water. In anticipation of the new regulations, the Sigrist distribution partner in Spain, teqma, has worked with the Consorci d'Aigües de Tarragona (CAT), the water consortium of the city of Tarragona, to renew its turbidimeters. Tarragona is in the province of Tarragona with 860,000 inhabitants.

CAT installed the AquaScat 2 WTM from the Swiss company Sigrist-Photometer AG at the various measuring points of the treatment plant and the distribution network.

The AquaScat 2 WTM turbidity meter measures the turbidity in the free-falling water jet and thus enables a high resolution and accurate measurement down to low turbidity values of 0.001 FNU.

Consorci d'Aigües de Tarragona

»Due to the high resolution (0.001 FNU) allowing early detection of changes in water quality, low maintenance and easy calibration, the Sigrist turbidimeter turned out to be the measuring device we were looking for our water supply.«

Consorci d'Aigües de Tarragona, Spain

Traffic & Environment

Road tunnel Gotthard / Switzerland

Since September 2007, a total of 210 Sigrist smoke detectors of the type FireGuard are in use in the Gotthard tunnel and its approach tunnels. Together with additional sensors such as linear fire alarm cables, flow measurement devices etc., the smoke detectors are the basis for the early detection of smoke and fire events.

In September 2016, after a period of use of 9 years, Mr. Werner Furrer, head of the Office for the Operation of National Roads (Switzerland), summarized their experience with the FireGuards as follows:

  • On average, there was one event per month, which was detected without fault
  • In a smoke event, the FireGuard is always the fastest system
  • No false alarms owing to correct parameterisation
Customer road tunnel Gotthard traffic signs © Raimond Spekking / CC BY-SA 4.0 (via Wikimedia Commons)

»We have had no failures so far. Sigrist FireGuard smoke detectors are very reliable.«

Mr. Werner Furrer

head of the Office for the Operation of National Roads in Flüelen

Water Reuse

ARA Neugut / Switzerland

The revised Water Protection Act, which came into effect on January 1, 2016, mandates for the elimination of micropollutants in wastewater. As a pioneering plant, ARA Neugut has been operating an ozone plant since 2014, where such micropollutants are successfully eliminated.

The installed ColorPlus 2 system ensures continuous measurement of UV absorbance at 254nm before and after the ozone reactor. This enables ARA Neugut to monitor the elimination performance and thus add ozone as needed. Additionally, the ColorPlus 2 system also performs an automatic cleaning every 3 to 4 hours to prevent biofilm growth and guarantee reliable measured values at all times.

Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008

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Leonardo Pio
Responsible for the application: Water, Industrial Processes, Beverages & Food for the regions: AG, LU, NW, OW, VS, BS, BL, SO, BE, FR, NE, VD, GE and JU
Andreas Corradini
Responsible for the application: Water, Industrial Processes, Beverages & Food for the regions: TI, GR, UR, GL, SZ, ZG, ZH, SH, SG, TG, AR and AI Traffic & Environment: whole Switzerland
Ihr Businesspartner für Getränke & Lebensmittel:
Für Wasser, Industrielle Prozesse, Verkehr & Umwelt kontaktieren Sie unseren Hauptsitz.

Your distribution partner for beverages & food:
For water, industrial processes, traffic & environment please contact our headquarters

Ihr Businesspartner für Getränke & Lebensmittel:
Für Wasser, Industrielle Prozesse, Verkehr & Umwelt kontaktieren Sie unseren Hauptsitz.

Your distribution partner for beverages & food:
For water, industrial processes, traffic & environment please contact our headquarters

Contact headquarters

Ralf Isenberg
Sales Manager ScrubberGuard
Montag–Freitag 08:00–12:00 und 13:30–17:00
Feiertage & Betriebsferien:
Seppitag: 19. März 2025, Ostern: 18. – 21. April 2025, Auffahrt: 29. Mai 2025, Pfingstmontag: 9. Juni 2025, Fronleichnam: 19. Juni 2025, Bundesfeiertag: 01. August 2025, Maria Himmelfahrt: 15. August 2025, Allerheiligen: 01. November 2025, Maria Empfängnis: 08. Dezember 2025, Betriebsferien: 24. Dezember 2025 – 04. Januar 2026
Opening hours:
Monday–Friday 08:00am–12:00pm und 1:30pm–5:00pm
Public & company holidays:
St Joseph's Day: 19. March 2025, Easter: 18. – 21. April 2025, Ascension Day: 29. May 2025, Whit Monday: 09. June 2025, Corpus Christi: 19. June 2025, Federal Holiday: 01. August 2025, Assumption Day: 15. August 2025, All Saints Day: 01. November 2025, Conception of Mary: 08. December 2025, Company holidays: 24. December 2025 – 04. January 2026