Measuring = Knowing
If you know what you are measuring
INADCO develops and produces machines and measuring equipment suitable for measuring in processes with fine and coarse inhomogeneous bulk goods, without using numerous calibration lines for each product.
We identify and analyze process automation problems or bottlenecks and provide solutions where possible. With this formula of total solutions INADCO is characterized.
After all, measuring = knowing
Speciality in Bulk Density, Volume and Moisture measurement
Specialty is measuring the moisture content and determining the bulk density during the process and weighing product flows with a low bulk density (20 g/l – 1500 g/l) with a (calibrated) belt weigher. Because we ourselves are the developer and producer of the measuring equipment, we can adapt the equipment to the circumstances if necessary. Our moisture meters therefore achieve excellent reproducibility and accuracy which is better than any other system in measuring inhomogeneous bulk goods.
Because we are the developer and manufacturer of the measuring equipment, we can advise you well on a solution that meets your process and your requirements. This can be done by using our standard solutions, but also by adapting our equipment to the specific requirements for your application.
Even a combination of the systems is possible like these most common systems
Moisturemeter i

A combination of
- Sampler
- Bulk Densimeter
- Moisture sensor
Streaming bulk density Volume

A combination of
- Cross Scanner
- Belt weigher
Bulk Densimeter
belt weighing
Cross Section
Do you have any questions?
Contact us and we shall help you!!