
Handbook of Milk of Non-Bovine Mammals
Author: Young W. Park , George F.W. HaenleinISBN13: 9780813820514
Publisher: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Price: €160.00
Pages: 449
Edition: Hardcover
Publish date: abril 2006
No one can deny the fact that the cow is the primary dairy animal species to provide humans with nutritious dairy foods through its abundance of lacteal secretion. The goat or other minor dairy species will never be able to compete with the cow in terms of the volume of milk production. Yet, the contribution of milks from other secondary domesticated dairy species to the survival and well-being of mankind around the world is immense and invaluable. Testament to the importance of non-bovine milk is that more people drink the milk of goats than that of any other single species in the world. In developing and under-developed counties, the secondary dairy species play a crucial role in supplying the food and nutritional needs of the people in those regions. Due to the unavailability of cow milk and the low consumption of meat, the milks of minor species such as goat, buffalo, sheep, and camel are critical daily food sources of protein, phosphate and calcium. Furthermore, because of important and inherent hypoallergenic properties, milks of certain species such as goat milk have been recommended as substitutes in diets for those with cow milk allergies.