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Bacteria in Biology, Biotechnology and Medicine, 6th Edition

Author: Paul Singleton

ISBN13: 9780470090275

Publisher: Wiley Publishing, Inc.

Price: €60.00
Pages: 570
Edition: Paperback
Publish date: agosto 2004

Bacteria in Biology, Biotechnology and Medicine, Sixth Edition is a broadly based textbook of pure and applied bacteriology. Written in clear language, the up-to-date text gives readers access to new ideas and developments in the current literature. The book is intended primarily for undergraduates and postgraduates in biology, biotechnology, medicine, veterinary science, pharmacology, microbiology, food science, environmental science and agriculture; no prior knowledge of bacteria is assumed. This new edition has been extensively updated; much of the text is new, or re-written, and there are many new references. Over 70 genera of bacteria, listed alphabetically, are described in the Appendix. Cross-references and a detailed index, maximise the accessibility of data.