
Fruit and Vegetable Processing: Improving Quality
Author:ISBN10: 849315417
ISBN13: 9780849315411
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $259.95
Pages: 388
Publish date: agosto 2002
Reviews new technologies to improve fruit and vegetable products Explores how to extend the shelf-life of fruits and vegetables during cultivation Discusses how to manage safety and quality throughout the supply chain Examines modelling, the use of HACCP systems, and ways of maintaining postharvest quality With its distinguished editor and international team of contributors, Fruit and Vegetable Processing provides an authoritative review of key research on measuring and improving the quality of both fresh and processed fruits and vegetables. The book discusses measuring quality and maintaining the safety and quality of processing fruit and vegetables. It covers postharvest handling, minimal processing, new modified atmosphere packaging techniques, and the use of edible coatings. In addition, the book discusses new technologies such as high pressure processing and the use of vacuum technology.
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