
Processing Fruits: Science and Technology, Second Edition
Author:ISBN10: 084931478X
ISBN13: 9780849314780
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $239.95
Pages: 864
Publish date: agosto 2004
Discusses the latest processing technologies, including novel methods such as high pressure, pulsed electric fields, ohmic heating, and microwave heating Contains new sections on fresh-cut fruits Covers all major categories of fruits and the processing technologies applied to them Addresses issues of concern to industry and research personnel While the first edition of this highly acclaimed reference covered the most innovative and effective ways to preserve fruits at that time, new research and technologies make it necessary to provide a more current and detailed look at the preservation and processing procedures of today. Processing Fruits: Science and Technology, Second Edition provides comprehensive and up-to-date information on a wide variety of fruits and processing methods. Revised and updated by an international team of contributors, this new edition includes the latest advances in processing technology, scientific research, and regulatory requirements. New authors offer a broader scope of information and provide expanded coverage of fresh-cut fruits, non-thermal methods of fruit processing, and the effects of variety and maturity on processed product quality. The book presents a wide range of information on more than 20 different fruits and fruit products and covers traditional methods of preservation as well as the newest technologies. Providing an extraordinary degree of information on modern methods for the preservation and processing of fruit, this is an essential resource for both individuals familiar with fruit processing and novices in need of a solid introduction to the diversity of preservation methods.
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