
Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice, Second Edition
Author:ISBN10: 849308879
ISBN13: 9780849308871
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $86.95
Pages: 608
Publish date: noviembre 2000
Provides a comprehensive introduction to a wide range of food processing techniques Describes each topic in a way that is accessible without an advanced mathematical background, while providing references to more detailed or more advanced texts Reflects the developments in unit operations during the last ten years, including membrane separation technologies, UHT/Aseptic processing, chilling, packaging, and improved methods of handling and distribution Includes additional material on food rheology and other properties of foods The first edition of Food Processing Technology was quickly adopted as the standard text by many food science and technology courses. While keeping with the practice of covering the wide range of food processing techniques, this new edition has been substantially expanded to take account of the advances in technology that have taken place since the publication of the first edition. The Second Edition includes new chapters on computer control of processing, novel 'minimal' technologies, and Ohmic heating, and an extended chapter on modified atmosphere packaging. It is a comprehensive - yet basic - text that offers an overview of most unit operations, while at the same time providing details of the processing equipment, operating conditions and the effects of processing on the biochemistry of foods. The book is divided into five parts, in which unit operations are grouped according to the nature of the heat transfer that takes place. Each chapter describes the formulae required for calculation of processing parameters, sample problems, and the effects on sensory characteristics and nutritional properties of selected foods. By combining food processing theory and calculations with descriptions of commercial practice and results of scientific studies, Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice, Second Edition helps readers make attractive saleable products and extend the shelf-life of foods.
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