
The Soft Drinks Companion: A Technical Handbook for the Beverage Industry
Author:ISBN10: 849327261
ISBN13: 9780849327261
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $149.95
Pages: 280
Publish date: agosto 2004
Provides thorough, practical discussions of key issues in soft drinks technology Elaborates on cost factors related to technical subjects Presents information in a user-friendly format Numerous textbooks provide general coverage of the technical processes of beverage manufacturing, and the chunky, sophisticated manuals from large beverage conglomerates present a great deal of information in minute detail. The need remains for a book that discusses both general and advanced technical issues, while allowing for theoretical discussion and academic debate. Responding to this need, The Soft Drinks Companion: A Technical Handbook for the Beverage Industry presents key issues related to the technology of the soft drinks industry. Drawing on more than thirty-five years of hands-on experience in the technical management of soft drinks facilities, the author deals with subjects in an informal manner without sacrificing technological thoroughness or scientific precision. The diverse subjects focus on major scientific and technical issues encountered by technical staff at all levels on a daily basis, including beverage emulsions, taste-testing, and cost factors related to technical subjects. Stand-alone chapters provide concise explanations of scientific concepts underlying technology issues and address potential problems that both professionals and novices may face. This unique book allows for a better understanding of the practical aspects of the soft drinks industry from an insider's experience and perspective.
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