
Handbook of Minerals as Nutritional Supplements
Author:ISBN10: 849316529
ISBN13: 9780849316524
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $149.95
Pages: 272
Publish date: septiembre 2004
Discusses positive and negative interactions between mineral supplements Describes what actual evidence exists for the need to supplement minerals in various disease states Scrutinizes popular claims for the value of nutrition supplements that have no direct research support Mineral supplements are receiving a great deal of attention and experiencing a tremendous period of growth. Despite their popularity, questions continue to arise regarding the research behind their claims, the efficacy of different forms, and their overall safety. It is critical for the health care community and the general public to have an unbiased source of authoritative information. Handbook of Minerals as Nutritional Supplements provides a comprehensive presentation and interpretation of the current state of research on various mineral supplements. It discusses the science behind the major minerals, the latest research on the mineral's ability to correct deficiencies that may compromise health, and some of the popular health claims. Each chapter focuses on a particular mineral and features the same headings, ensuring that the retrieval of information is quick and easy. As the first book on supplements written by a university mineral researcher specifically for the biomedical research and professional health care community, the information is technical enough to satisfy a biomedical audience, yet avoids jargon used mainly by mineral specialists. The author presents various perspectives on controversial issues, and then offers his knowledgeable opinion on the best course of action, all in an effort to provide guidance on the wise use of mineral supplements.
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