
The Plastic Film and Foil Web Handling Guide
Author:ISBN10: 1587161524
ISBN13: 9781587161520
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $119.95
Pages: 192
Publish date: octubre 2002
Helps the reader visualize concepts with illustrations of major concepts Introduces a new way to analyze web behavior Makes troubleshooting web handling problems easier Condenses 35 years of web handling experience into one resource Presents information in an easy-to-read and understand style Written to assist anyone who works with webs directly or indirectly, The Plastic Film and Foil Web Handling Guide is a handbook for diagnosing and correcting problems with web handling technology. Covering web handling fundamentals, process-related technologies, troubleshooting, and solutions, it includes sufficient technical information to identify and correct defects in rolls (of film or foil). Readers will appreciate this unbiased look at web handling that also serves as a counterpoint to information from equipment suppliers. The text presents guidelines on: Roller alignment in machines Tensioning of webs Use of web spreading and guiding devices Use of razor slitters Shear knife slitters Edge trim removal Trim disposal Management of electrostatic charges on webs Waste storage equipment Winding technology is presented that addresses gage variation issues, cores and mandrels, vibration, speed issues, web thickness issues, web strength issues, coated web issues, laminated web issues, clear film issues, winding tension profile issues, and lay-on roller issues. A guide for troubleshooting web-handling problems and a glossary of terms for quick reference is also provided.
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