
Handbook of Food Science, Technology, and Engineering - 4 Volume Set
Author:ISBN10: 849398479
ISBN13: 9780849398476
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $1.00
Pages: 3632
Publish date: diciembre 2005
Provides the latest information available in a comprehensive, well-organized manner Allows fast and convenient access to a wide variety of data and major topics Combines the efforts of 150 international experts providing unmatched authority, breadth, and depthUnique in both depth and breadth, each volume of the Handbook of Food Science, Technology, and Engineering contains approximately 1000 pages of scientific and technical data. Advances in food science, technology, and engineering are occurring at such a rapid rate that obtaining current, detailed information is challenging at best. While almost everyone engaged in these disciplines has accumulated a vast variety of data over time, an organized, comprehensive resource containing this data would be invaluable to have. The Handbook of Food Science, Technology, and Engineering, 4 Volume Set is that resource, presenting the latest information available in a thorough, straightforward format.
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