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Author: By Yrjö Roos , University of Helsinki, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland Steve Taylor , University of Nebraska, Lincoln, U.S.A.

ISBN13: 9780125953405

Publisher: Elsevier

Price: €69.95
Pages: 360
Edition: Hardbound
Publish date: junio 1995

Assembling recent research and theories, this book describes the phase and state transitions that affect technological properties of biological materials occurring in food processing and storage. It covers the role of water as a plasticizer, the effect of transitions on mechanical and chemical changes, and the application of modeling in predicting stability rates of changes. The volume presents methods for detecting changes in the physical state and various techniques used to analyze phase behavior of biopolymers and food components. This book should become a valuable resource for anyone involved with food engineering, processing, storage, and quality, as well as those working on related properties of pharmaceuticals and other biopolymers.