
Author: By David Alford , Formerly Regional Entomologist and Head of Entomology Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Cambridge, UKISBN13: 9780123736765
Publisher: Elsevier
Price: 0.00
Pages: 480
Edition: Hardbound
Publish date: abril 2007
Building on the author?s highly regarded Color Atlas of Fruit Pests, this new book gives a systematic account of fruit and hop pests – their recognition, biology and status. The scope of the original book has been greatly expanded to cover pests of fruit crops in temperate and sub-tropical regions. Most color photos, from a total of 1157, are published for the first time. Also a major new chapter has been added on pests of sub-tropical crops (particularly citrus, fig and olive).The pests are considered in their natural sequence of less advanced to more advanced forms, including a description of each, its life history, plants affected and damage caused. Families of pests are arranged according to generally accepted systematic systems, species appear under scientific names and show common names. Detailed indexes allow cross-referencing between pests and their host plants.