
Engineering and Food for the 21st Century
Author:ISBN10: 1566769639
ISBN13: 9781566769631
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $279.95
Pages: 1104
Publish date: marzo 2002
Presents state-of-the-art research on fundamental aspects of food engineering Includes 63 contributions from leading food engineers Covers new modeling tendencies in food rheology in processes such as extrusion, bakery, freezing, and high pressure Presents advanced studies that show how structure is related to the mechanical and functional properties of foods Addresses transport phenomena problems related to mass transfer Discusses emerging technologies, including the use of high pressures to preserve foods, microwaves, ohmic heating, and electrical heating Engineering and Food for the 21st Century presents important reviews and up-to-date discussions of major topics relating to engineering and food. Internationally renowned contributors discuss a broad base of food engineering and related subjects, including research and prospective industrial applications. The first part begins with recent trends in food engineering and challenges for the future. It then presents important discussions of fundamental aspects of food engineering, including physical chemistry, mass transfer, food rheology, and food structure. Part 2 contains state-of-the-art presentations on thermal processing and packaging, minimal processing, emerging technologies, process control, biotechnology, and environmental factors associated with the processing of food.
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