The Art and Science of Packaging
Innovative packaging solutions that build exclusive
bonds between brands and their consumers
As a way of life
Sustainability is at the heart of how we think and work for our people, customers and consumers.
Our story of research for the future
Our product history is the backbone of our success, telling a remarkable story of creativity and breakthrough innovations.
Our products
Innovative, sustainable packaging solutions tailored to our customers’ needs.

One Stop Shop Support
Bringing together everything you need

The benefits of single-use paper packaging
Life Cycle Assessment study by the independent Ramboll Group
(Published April 2021 - Updated September 2021)Report by Dr David A McDowell, University of Ulster, member of UK Food Standards Agency
(Published March 2021)
Seda in numbers
million consumers
use our products every day
4 in EU and 1 in US
around the world