
Handbook of hygiene control in the food industry
Author:ISBN10: 084933439X
ISBN13: 9780849334399
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $309.95
Pages: 720
Publish date: November 2005
Presents the latest research on hygiene control, with many of the developments currently being implemented Provides a comprehensive summary of key trends and current issues in food hygiene research Discusses the design of buildings and equipment, including heating and packaging equipment, valves, pipes, and sensors Examines good manufacturing practice, risk analysis, and improving cleaning and decontamination techniques Reviews monitoring techniques such as testing surface cleanability, sampling techniques, and hygiene auditing Developments such as the demand for minimally-processed foods have placed a renewed emphasis on good hygienic practices in the food industry. As a result there has been a wealth of new research in this area. Improving Hygiene in the Food Industry provides a comprehensive summary of the key trends and issues in food hygiene research. Part 1 reviews research on the range of contamination risks faced by food processors. Building on this foundation, Part 2 discusses current trends in the design both of buildings and types of food processing equipment, from heating and packaging equipment to valves, pipes and sensors. Key issues in effective hygiene management are then covered in Part 3, from risk analysis, good manufacturing practice, and standard operating procedures (SOPs) to improving cleaning and decontamination techniques. The final part of the book reviews developments in ways of monitoring the effectiveness of hygiene operations, from testing surface cleanability to sampling techniques and hygiene auditing. Like Hygiene in the Food Industry, this volume will be a standard reference for the food industry in ensuring the highest standards of hygiene in food production.
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