
Introduction to Particle Technology
Author: Martin RhodesISBN13: 9780471984832
Publisher: Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Price: €75.00
Pages: 336
Edition: Paperback
Publish date: August 1998
Introduction to Particle Technology Martin Rhodes Monash University, Australia Particle technology is of increasing importance to a wide range of industries, including food, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, minerals and metals. In these industries, companies with in-house knowledge of particle technology have a competitive advantage in product development, quality control and waste minimization. This accessible book forms a comprehensive introduction to the many concepts of this broad subject. Key topics covered include:- * Characterisation (size analysis) * Processing (fluidized beds, granulation) * Particle formation (granulation, size reduction) * Fluid-Particle separation (filtration, settling, gas cyclones) * Safety (dust explosions) * Transport (pneumatic transport and standpipes) Worked examples of calculations and exercises (with answers) are provided in each chapter and real-life industrial applications illustrating the techniques and theory are included. This book is essential reading for students of chemical engineering on particle technology courses. It is also valuable supplementary reading for students of civil engineering, applied chemistry, physics, pharmaceutics, metallurgy and materials engineering.