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Event Risk Management and Safety

Author: Peter E. Tarlow

ISBN13: 9780471401681

Publisher: Wiley Publishing, Inc.

Price: €45.20
Pages: 288
Edition: Hardcover
Publish date: August 2002

THE WILEY EVENT MANAGEMENT SERIES The complete guide to event risk management, safety, and security Practical strategies and resources for any size event! With any event comes risk?from rowdy guests at a festival or convention to a life-threatening riot at a sports event. Event Risk Management and Safety provides a comprehensive resource for managing event risk and limiting liability for modest and grand events. Presenting theory and practical applications, this book covers topics such as measuring risk, alcoholism and drugs, crowd control, fire safety and emergency medical services, food and water safety, outdoor events, and much more. Other features include: Case studies examining problems and solutions to real-world situations Key terms and risk-management exercises New techniques to forecast and manage the global challenges of the twenty-first century Comprehensive appendices containing additional resources, alcohol and beverage commission contact information, and practical forms

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