
Beverage Quality and Safety
Author:ISBN10: 1587160110
ISBN13: 9781587160110
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $109.95
Pages: 248
Publish date: June 2003
Discusses industry and regulatory trends as well as quality and safety of fruit juices and beverages Examines new generation nutraceutical beverages Presents alternatives to conventional thermal treatment Covers aseptic packaging fundamentals and current systems Includes the latest FDA Juice HACCP regulations Details essential elements of sanitation Based on an IFT short course, Beverage Quality and Safety offers information on the latest beverage industry trends related to products, processing, and packaging technologies - including new generation nutraceutical beverages. It also covers important regulatory issues, including federal regulations on HACCP. Among the topical issues it addresses are organic juice processing, active packaging, the microbiology of fruit juices and beverages, alternative processing technologies to control spoilage, and cleaning and sanitation of beverage plants.
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