
The CRC Master Keyword Guide for Food: 21 CFR Regulations of the Food and Drug Administration
Author:ISBN10: 849319889
ISBN13: 9780849319884
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $371.00
Pages: 1288
Publish date: November 2003
Includes definitions for every noun, phrase, and concept use by the DEA and FDA listed in alphabetical order Supplies scope, purpose, definition, and applicability of each term Helps you find the section of CFR 21 you need and apply it precisely Provides 20,000 entries and is designed to make the information easy to find Although easily available and searchable on-line, the CFR 21 is a vast document covering a wide range of subjects but contains no index. And sifting through the results of a simple search does not always provide the information you need in the context you need it. After years of frustration you may have tried to construct your own index, only to have it quickly grow obsolete with the frequent revisions of the CFR. Wouldn't you rather have a ready-made resource at hand? The CRC Master Keyword Guide for Food: 21 CFR Regulations of the Food and Drug Administration is modeled after The CRC Master Keyword Guide: 21 CFR Regulations of the Food and Drug Administration, the most convenient and often-used aid available for finding all references to FDA and DEA regulations. Each of the more than 20,000 entries is quoted in context to provide instant access to every noun, phrase, and concept. How to use this indispensable book: · Look up the keyword of interest · Note the context in which the keyword is mentioned in the section on title and the details of the Subpart Title or Part Title to determine if it is the needed reference · When you find the correct reference, use the section number provided to look up the details of the regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 The KEYWORD and SECTION TITLE are shown in upper case, the Subpart Title and/or Part Title are shown in upper/lower case. This system helps you pinpoint the exact section of the reg you need and apply it correctly. Saving you time and effort, this easy to use guide helps you find your way through the maze of regulations known as CFR 21.
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