
Industrialization of Indigenous Fermented Foods, Second Edition
Author:ISBN10: 824747844
ISBN13: 9780824747848
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $229.95
Pages: 600
Publish date: March 2004
§ Details the manufacture of tempe in Indonesia, the United States, the Netherlands, and Japan § Covers Japanese natto fermentation, African dawadawam and Indian kenima large scale production of fish sauces and pastes, and Mexican pulque § Explains the industrialization of various indigenous fermented food products, and the industrialization of various indigenous fermented food products § Emphasizes the increasing importance of fermented foods in the United States and Western Europe Industrialization of Indigenous Fermented Foods, Second Edition presents the most recent innovations in the processing of a wide range of indigenous fermented foods ranging from soy sauce to African mageu. It serves as the only comprehensive review of indigenous fermented food manufacture from ancient production methods to industrialized processing technologies for clear understanding of the impact of fermented food products on the nutritional needs of communities around the world. Provides authoritative studies from more than 24 internationally recognized professionals on various processing and control technologies, biochemical and microbiological information, and manufacturing and production procedures form the United States, Indonesia, and Western Europe. About the Author Keith H. Steinkraus is a Professor Emeritus of Microbiology and Food Science at Cornwall University in Geneva and Ithaca, New York, USA. He is the author or editor of numerous professional publications including the Handbook of Indigenous Fermented Foods. He is a Fellow of the International Academy of Food Science and Technology, the Institute of Food Technologists, the American Academy of Microbiology, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
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