
Food Labelling
Author:ISBN10: 849308526
ISBN13: 9780849308529
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $269.95
Pages: 320
Publish date: August 2000
Outlines compliance regulations in the both the United States and European markets Discusses future trends that will affect food labelling in the United States and Europe Dissects the ramifications and conditions of the FDA Modernization Act of 1997 and the Dietary and Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 Defines shelf-life and discusses how it is determined Food Labelling is the only comprehensive text on the labelling of food products. With contributions from leading European and American experts in the field, it provides a clear and authoritative guide both to key legislation in the European Union and the United States, and to good international practice in such areas as traceability and instructions for storage and use. You get information on: o Key issues in food labelling and the range of legislation in the European Union and the United States o Declaration of ingredients and additives, durability indication, nutrition information, nutrition and health claims o International practice in design such as multi-language requirements o Labelling for allergens, genetically-modified foods and ingredients, and irradiated foods and ingredients o Determining shelf-life for labelling The last decade has seen new labelling needs. The advent of genetically modified foods and irradiated foods has necessitated the development of new labelling provisions to facilitate informed consumer choice. The belated recognition by legislators and industry that food allergy can be life threatening, and is a major food safety issue, has led to the need for label warnings about the presence of major food allergens. Food Labelling covers all these issues and more.
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