
Novel Food Processing Technologies
Author:ISBN10: 082475333X
ISBN13: 9780824753337
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $189.95
Pages: 720
Publish date: November 2004
Focuses on recent technological innovations in food processing Covers a range of food processing treatments that meet current demands for added value and guaranteed safety Explores future directions for food processing Reflecting current trends in alternative food processing and preservation, this reference explores the most recent applications in pulsed electric field (PEF) and high-pressure technologies, food microbiology, and modern thermal and nonthermal operations to prevent the occurrence of food-borne pathogens, extend the shelf-life of foods, and improve the safety, quality, and nutritional value of various food products. Documents the results of the Emerging Technologies for the Food Industry symposium held in Madrid, Spain. Spanning the most influential breakthroughs in food engineering, this guide demonstrates the successful application of PEF technology to products such as fruit juices, eggs, and milk. It also studies factors affecting the PEF resistance of microorganisms, analyzes methods in predictive microbiology and its impact on food safety systems, and examines advances in the use of freezing technologies, ultraviolet light, supercritical fluid extraction, and commercial high-pressure equipment.
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