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Wine Style: Using Your Senses to Explore and Enjoy Wine

Author: Mary Ewing-Mulligan , Ed McCarthy

ISBN13: 9780764544538

Publisher: Wiley Publishing, Inc.

Price: €21.00
Pages: 244
Edition: Hardcover
Publish date: Oktober 2005

From the bestselling authors of Wine For Dummies, a different way to choose and enjoy wine Because the choices in a wine store or on a wine list can seem limitless or intimidating, wine drinkers often stick with what they know, such as Merlot, or go with the choice made by a wine critic or a waiter. This appealingly straightforward and unintimidating guide will help wine drinkers discover what they like and make informed choices. The authors identify 12 wine styles, or taste categories, including four for red wine and four for white wine. For each style, the authors detail how it tastes, where it comes from, grape varieties that are common for the style, and a few recommended wines. The style ”Soft, Fruity Red Wines,” for instance, includes U.S. Merlots, Beaujolais, Burgundies and other Pinot Noirs, and southern Italian reds, among other wines. Complete with tips on pairing wine with food and a pull-out wine wheel to help readers remember the styles, this is the refreshingly different book wine drinkers have been waiting for. Mary Ewing-Mulligan, Master of Wine, and Ed McCarthy, Certified Wine Instructor (New York, NY), are among the best-known, most widely respected wine experts in the United States. They have appeared frequently in the media, including on television's Food Network and CNNfn, and have written seven wine books in the For Dummies series.
