
Histopathology of Seed-Borne Infections
Author:ISBN10: 849328233
ISBN13: 9780849328237
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $169.95
Pages: 296
Publish date: Juni 2004
Histopathology of Seed-Borne Infections is the first book to provide comprehensive coverage of seed infection and disease. It includes an up-to-date account on the development and structure of seed, pointing out the structural variations in seeds of the plant families to which most crop plants belong. The text presents techniques and advice for histopathological studies, as well as a discussion on physiogenic seed disorders and the penetration of ovule/seed by fungi. Featuring an extensive bibliography, this book serves as a springboard for further research in seed biology and provides a literature review in a field where it is difficult to access older sources. It will be a valuable resource for seed and plant scientists, plant pathologists, crop scientists, ecologists, and seed chemists, as well as researchers and students involved in seed and plant pathology, seed technology, and agriculture. Features § Includes separate chapters on seed-borne microorganisms (fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes) and their diseases § Covers the penetration of ovule/seed by fungi § Discusses physiogenic seed disorders § Provides common techniques and tips for histopathological studies