browse Bücher


Author: Edited By Balz Frei , Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusettts, U.S.A.

ISBN13: 9780122669750

Publisher: Elsevier

Price: €185.00
Pages: 588
Edition: Hardbound
Publish date: September 1994

This book serves as a comprehensive overview of the current scientific knowledge on the health effects of dietary and supplemental antioxidants (such as vitamins C and E). Chapters integrate information from basic research and animal studies, epidemiologic studies, and clinical intervention trials.The popular media has taken great interest in antioxidants, with numerous articles emphasizing their role in preventing disease and the possible slowing of the aging process. These antioxidant vitamins may be important in preventing not only acute deficiency symptoms, but also chronic disorders such as heart disease and certain types of cancer. This book, therefore, is not only for scientists and doctors, but also for health writers, journalists, and informed lay people.The text focuses on several human conditions for which there is now good scientific evidence that oxidation is an important etiological component. Specifically, antioxidants may prevent or slow down the progression of: Cancer, Cardiovascular disease, Immune system disorders, Cataracts, Neurological disorders, Degeneration due to the aging process.