
Handbook of Antioxidants, Second Edition
Author:ISBN10: 824705475
ISBN13: 9780824705473
Publisher: CRC Press
Price: $229.95
Pages: 732
Publish date: Oktober 2001
Offering over 4200 references, this book covers antioxidants in beverages and herbal products, nitric oxide and selenium. Including contributions from over 90 international experts, the book highlights research on food-derived antioxidants and biomarkers, vitamins E and C, coenzyme Q, carotenoids, flavoroids and other polyphenols, antioxidants in beverages and herbal products, the thiol antioxidants glutathione and lipoic acid, melatonin, selenium, and nitric oxide. The book helps readers understand the numerous conflicting health claims and the overabundance of epidemiological and clinical studies on nutrachemicals.